Looking to buy a house?
Let me represent you!
What does a buyers agent do?
Keeps you updated on current market conditions
Informs you about the latest listings and suitable properties for you, sometimes before they even hit the open market
Help you negotiate the purchase price and conditions with other agents
Assist you through insurance, finance, building reports and more
Help you get ready for auction and set up a bidding strategy if necessary
Why should you work with me?
I save you the time having to deal with countless different agents and the phone calls that follow up
I will keep looking with you and for you until we find your home
House hunting can be a stressful process, my services will remove much of the stress from you
Working with me and the many contacts I have in my network means you could get to see properties before others do
All of this is completely FREE of charge! That’s right! There are no hidden or additional costs for you.
Recent Client Purchases
Get In Touch!
Hayden Roulston
Harcourts Papanui
+64 21 721 699
471 Papanui Road, Papanui, Christchurch